Security our Priority- Commissioner Varley

More than 200 officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) from Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province will be mounting an operation for the upcoming events that will be held in the capital city from today 28 June 2018 until 10 July 2018.

These events are the Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG) meeting, the Melanesian Arts and Cultural Festival (MACFest) and the celebration of Solomon Islands 40th Anniversary of Independence.

“Security of this country is our priority and we will be working very hard on ensuring everything runs smoothly and peacefully,” says Commissioner Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley explains: “To ensure that all our citizens and visitors are safe during the Festival as well as the celebrations to mark our Nation’s 40th year of independence and of course the FIFA World Cup finals, the RSIPF, your Police will be mounting a major operation to ensure law and order is maintained,”

He adds: “Police will provide security at all the venues of the Festival of Arts, the main venue for the independence anniversary at Lawson Tama and other spots in and around the capital.”

“We need good conduct and support from community members to ensure that our communities, streets, and the venues for our festivities and celebrations are safe. I want to remind the general public especially here in Honiara to abide by our laws.”

Commissioner Varley explains: “Your Police will be out there to ensure that your security is guaranteed. Work with your Police to ensure that these events are crime free.”

“If you have any security concerns, please notify any Police officer nearby or call in at your nearest police station to report the matter,” says Commissioner Varley.

All Police contacts for Honiara and Guadalcanal Province are as follows:
Police National Communication Centre – 23666
Police Toll Free phone – 999
Central Police Station – 22999
Naha Police Station – 39647/39608
White River Police Station – 21363/28883
Chinatown Police Station -28999
Henderson Police Station – 36200/36201/36202
Kukum Traffic Centre – 22336/23066
Central Fire and Rescue Service – 24476