RSIPF congratulate new Choiseul Province Premier

Police officers at the Taro Police Station in Choiseul Province mounted a guard of honour for the new premier for Choiseul Province soon after his election on 28 June 2018.

“It was a great honour for me and my officers to mount a guard of honour to welcome the new Choiseul Province Premier,” says Provincial Police Commander Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria.

He says, “I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the new premier of Choiseul Province Hon. Watson Qoloni and I thank the former Premier, Jackson Kiloe.”

He adds: “We look forward to working closely with the new premier and his executive for the betterment of the people of Choiseul Province.”

“The election of the premier and announcement went out peacefully. For this I like to thank the people of Choiseul for their excellent behaviour throughout the election process,” says PPC Eria.