Fire safety awareness at Pikinini Day Care School in Honiara

The Fire and Rescue Service of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) conducted an awareness session on basic fire safety at the Pikinini Day Care School in East Kola Ridge in Honiara on 28 June 2018.

Director Fire and Rescue Service Superintendent Rodney Kuma says, “The program was presented by Sergeant Mathew Pio with the assistance from Police Constables Timothy Senge and Claudie Basil. They presented to 27 Kindy students and four teachers.”

Topics covered during the awareness talk included:
• Good Fires and Bad Fires
• Firefighters are your friends and can help you
• Get Down Low/ Crawl Low in smoke towards exits and GO, GO, GO!
• Stop, Drop and Roll

“The program was very successful. Both the students and Firefighters were engaged in demonstrations that captured students’ attention including the presence of a Fire truck at the School,” says Director Kuma.