RSIPF opens new family violence office in Honiara

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today (29 June 2018) opened a new Family Violence (FV) Office at the Central Police Station in Honiara.

“The new FV Office will be a coordination centre consisting of the National FV Coordinator, Honiara FV Coordinator and a team of FV investigators. These investigators will remain under the Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City and will continue to investigate FV cases referred to police within the Honiara City jurisdiction,” says Commissioner Matthew Varley

Commissioner Varley emphasises: “Victims of FV are still encouraged to report the incident to their nearest police station. The FV Office is not a walk in office for victims of FV. ”

He explains: “The development of the FV Office is to create a central hub for the coordination of FV by the RSIPF to:

• Improve victim support by providing a safe and private area where Police can obtain statements from victims;

• Provide RSIPF officers with a resource and advice centre to increase their knowledge and skill when responding to FV incidents;

• Improve collection of FV data;

• Provide a conference/training area for RSIPF to conduct training specifically in relation to the Family Protection Act and Gender Based Violence (GBV) offences;

• Improve community confidence and relationships with RSIPF;

• Increase coordination between FV Investigators, Frontline police and FV Coordinator in Honiara;

• The location allows a link to be maintained with National Community Policing Department for engagement with community groups and government stakeholders in relation to FV and GBV; and

• Improve the overall capacity and capability of RSIPF in responding to FV incidents.”

Commissioner Varley says, “I would like to thank the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) for funding the office which was completed early this month.”