RSIPF completes first ever training for PNG Police

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has completed its first ever training program for members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) in defensive tactics and firearms.

Nine officers of the RPNGC today (29 June 2018) completed a five-week Operational Safety Qualifying program held at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara. The program was coordinated by the RSIPF’s own instructors assisted by Advisors under the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP).

“We have been honoured to host nine members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and provide them with some valuable instruction in defensive tactics and firearms. With the completion of this program the nine RPNGC members are now recommended to be appointed by their organisation as Operational Safety Trainers,” says RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley adds: “The program is a very tiring and difficult course both for the participants and the instructors. The concentration required to maintain safety, assimilate the techniques and then teach them is extremely high.”

“The program was delivered in two modules. The first being the Defensive Tactics and the second being the Glock Firearms. It is a training program which requires commitment and dedication to reach the standards required,” Commissioner Varley explains

“I wish to congratulate the nine RPNGC officers for completing the intensive program successfully and have demonstrated they are able to impart the techniques to their colleague officers back in Papua New Guinea as instructors.”

RSIPF Commissioner Varley says, “RSIPF is proud to have been able to welcome our colleague officers from PNG so soon after the recent signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two country’s police forces covering such cooperation. This is a way of showing our appreciation for all the assistance that PNG and other Pacific island countries had given to the RSIPF during the 14 years that the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) helped us.”

“We look forward to more cooperation in training and other areas between the RSIPF and the RPNGC in the future,” says Commissioner Varley.

The Papua New Guinea High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, H.E Fred Yakasa thanked the RSIPF on behalf of the Commissioner of the RPNGC, Gari Baki for its assistance in providing the training program for officers of the RPNGC.

The nine RPNGC officers were presented with certificates during a closing ceremony.