RSIPF warn public not to target its officers as they carry out their duties

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) strongly warns the public not to target its officers as they attend to incidents in the community.

This follows an incident when officers from the Henderson Police Station, East of Honiara were injured when they attended to a rock-throwing incident in the Henderson area on 1 July 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Guadalcanal Province Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “Five people have been arrested in relation to the rock throwing incident.”

Superintendent Manetoga explains, “The incident happened in the early morning of Sunday 1 July at a resident opposite the Henderson Police Station.”

PPC Manetoga says, “Police are now investigating the reasons behind the rock throwing and who was involved in the incident.”

He adds: “The incident is quiet serious especially allegations that the suspects entered the residence and damaged the house and also took away some valuable properties such as generators, a water pump and other belongings.”

“It is even serious when rocks were thrown at police and injured some of them, when they went to investigate the incident. The police is there to maintain law and order and it is unacceptable to target them under any circumstances,” says PPC Manetoga.

“I appeal to anyone in the Henderson area who may have information on the incident to come forward to the police. Henderson Police Station can be contacted on phone 32600, 36201 or 36202,” says PPC Manetoga.