RSIPF search for missing foreign national in Western Province

Police at Gizo in the Western Province are searching for a foreign national that was believed to have fallen over board after his boat was found at Sambora Village, Vella la Vella on 2 July 2018.

“Reports reaching the RSIPF are that the 50-year-old German National was travelling from Liapari to Gizo but failed to reach his destination,” says Provincial Police Commander Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu.

PPC Lenialu adds: “Currently we are engaged with other stakeholders in a search at sea for that missing person. Our search is covering the seas between Vella la Vella, Kolombangara and Gizo.”

“I appeal to mariners to assist us in a lookout for this man,” says Superintendent Lenialu.

“I want to remind the people of Western Province to listen out for the weather and marine forecast that is usually issued out by the Solomon Islands Meteorology office through the SIBC or check the Met Service website before travelling at sea. If you are already out on your trip and the weather starts to get worse please make an attempt to find shelter until it is safe for you to travel,” PPC Lenialu emphasis.

Police in Gizo can be contacted on phone 60999, 60966 or the National Police Communications Centre on phone 23666 or the police toll free line 999.