RSIPF rescue victims of fallen tree in Western Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) have rescued two victims related to the fallen tree which killed one woman on Mono Island in the Shortlands, Western Province on 1 July 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “One of the victims, who was in a critical condition, was airlifted from Mono to Gizo by a diverted Solomon Airlines flight from Mbalalae.”

PPC Lenialu adds: “The other two victims with minor injuries were picked up from Mono by the RSIPV Patrol Boat LATA on the afternoon of Monday 2 July and arrived at Gizo in the late evening. The victims are now being treated at the Gizo Hospital and their condition is reported stable.”

“Our condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased and wish a speedy recovery for those who were injured during the tragic accident caused by a fallen tree during heavy winds in the area,” says PPC Lenialu.