RSIPF call for public support as officers secure chemicals in Central Honiara

The Fire and Rescue Service of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) continues to remind the public to stay away from the cordoned area at the Tuvaruhu Community High School in Central Honiara where chemicals were found on 2 July 2018.

“We have already dug up four separate locations that we suspected that some of the bottles of chemicals are buried. Today (4 July 2018) we are working on properly storing them before they can be removed by the responsible Government Ministries,” says Director of Fire and Rescue Service, Superintendent Rodney Kuma.

He adds: “We have stored all the bottles of chemicals in sealed containers and we want to remind the community in Tuvaruhu to keep away from the cordoned area at the Tuvaruhu Community High School until we have done our job.”

“I want to assure the community that we are trying our best to store the bottles of chemicals in sealed containers to keep our communities safe, so cooperate with us,” Superintendent Kuma emphasizes

Police investigation into the matter is currently underway.

The RSIPF Fire and Rescue Service can be contacted on phone 24476 or the Police Communications Centre on phone 23666 or the Police toll free line 999.