RSIPF appeals for crime free celebrations in Western Province.

The Provincial Police Commander Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu appeals to the people in Gizo to celebrate the 40th anniversary of independence which started today (4 July 2018) until 6 July 2018 responsibly.

Police in Gizo is mounting an operation to ensure the celebration goes in peacefully.

“I want to appeal to the people residing in Gizo and also to those visiting from our islands to celebrate this anniversary responsibly,” says PPC Lenialu.

He adds: “Let us celebrate peacefully with pride and make these celebrations free of crime.”

“Police from Gizo, Noro and Munda will also be mounting a parade on 6 July at the JFK Stadium in Gizo and it is open to the public to come along and join in our Nation’s 40th anniversary of independence,” says PPC Lenialu.