RSIPF commend public for peaceful MACFest

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) commends the public, participating countries and the organizers for a peaceful 6th Melanesian Arts and Cultural Festival (MACFest) which ended in Honiara last night.

More than 200 police officers from Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province as well as the Police Response Team (PRT), the Close Personal Protection Unit (CPP), the National Criminal Investigation Department, the Traffic Department, the Maritime Department, the Fire and Rescue Service as well as the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit took part in the Operation. Officers were posted at the main venues of the MACFest and conducted visibility patrols throughout the city on a 24-hour basis.

“Despite the large number of people in Honiara moving from the various venues of the MACFest from 1 – 10 July, there were no major disturbances to law and order in the capital city. The police congratulate our people living in Honiara and coming in from the provinces as well as the more than 1,000 participants from other MSG countries for respecting our laws and one another,” says Deputy Commissioner, Operations, Gabriel Manelusi, who was overall commander of the police operations during MACFest.

DC Manelusi adds: “This is a clear sign that Solomon Islands can now host such large events because our citizens respect law and order and want to live in a peaceful environment with one another.

“Also the success of the Festival proves that our various Government ministries and other organizations in the country are able to coordinate such big events as the MACFest. Police congratulates everyone for a job well done. I trust that our visitors are returning to their various countries with fond memories of the Hapi Isles,” says DC Manelusi

He adds: “At the same time, I want to publicly thank all the police officers who took part in the operation in the last two weeks for their tireless efforts in ensuring everyone was safe and were able to move around freely in Honiara and enjoy the MACFest. I salute you for an excellent job.”

“Now with the MACFest over, our focus will be on the 2018 FIFA World Cup final over the next couple of days. I want to urge the sport loving people of this country to continue to enjoy the rest of the matches including the final early next week in a peaceful manner with respect for each other and our laws,” says Deputy Commissioner Manelusi.