Police investigates death in Western Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are investigating the death of a 48-year-old woman from Bangopingo Village, Lokuru, Rendova Island, in the Western Province who died at the Helena Goldie Hospital on 10 July 2018.

“This is in relation to an assault matter that occurred at Lokuru, Western Province on the 29 of May 2018. After the incident Police arrested and charged a 36-year- old man and released him on bail. On 30 May the victim became ill and was taken to Helena Goldie Hospital and was treated and discharged. She was asked to return to the hospital on 1 June for a review but she failed to do so. She later returned to the Hospital on 8 July and was admitted. She died on 10 July,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu.

PPC Lenialu adds: “Officers from the Police Forensics Department in Honiara accompanied by a pathologist left for Lokuru this morning 13 July 2018 to attend to the deceased.”

“In the meantime, the accused has been re-arrested and placed in Police custody after the death of the victim,” PPC Lenialu explains.

“This matter is currently under investigations and I call on the deceased relatives to refrain from any retaliation and not to take the law into your own hands and spread false rumours about the death,” says PPC Lenialu.

He continues: “Let us wait for the outcome of the investigations and the doctor’s report to determine what the cause of death.”

“I want to remind relatives of both the victim and suspect not to take the law into your own hands as it will not solve anything but make matters worse. Let the Police investigate the matter and refrain from committing any criminal activities,” says PPC Lenialu.