32-year-old man fined $1000 for consuming alcohol in public

A 32-year-old man has been fined $1,000.00 after being found guilty of consuming liquor in a public place on 11 July 2018 in Honiara.

“On the morning of 11 July 2018, one of my officers went into a shop at Point Cruz and sighted a male person standing in front of the shop holding a can of drink. He was talking loudly as he drank from the can and begun to attract the attention of those passing by,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga.

PPC Uiga adds: “The police officer then approached the man and found that he was consuming alcohol. He was then escorted to the Central Police Station where he was arrested and charged.”

“The man was then taken to the court the next day and the court sentenced him to pay a fine of $1000.00 or 40 days imprisonment if he fails to pay the fine.

He was ordered to pay his fine by close of business on 16 July 2018,” says Chief Superintendent Uiga.

He says, “I want to remind the people of Honiara that consuming liquor in a public place is an offence. There are right places to consume liquor. A public place is a place where people including women and children have access to and that all can walk around freely without fear of being intimidated.”

“Let us all work together to fight crime in our society. It is time we take ownership of our capital city,” says PPC Uiga.