Police in Central Province conduct visibility patrols in villages

Police in the Central Province have completed high visibility patrols to 10 villages in the Province on 18 July.

The villages included Gairavu, Boromole, Kumoligohu, Soso, Semege, Soka, Boroni Olevuga, New Vunuha and Haleta.

“Two issues were discovered during the visits. One is a land dispute case at Soka and boy/girl relationship case at Boroni village. The chiefs were tasked to convince those involved to refrain from taking the law into their own hands, since the other parties involved were not present during the visit,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta.

PPC Leta adds: “The field visits is part of the ongoing Crime Prevention Strategy in terms of community engagement to mitigate public confidence.”

She says, “The Police in Central Province will continue to visit the communities. This will be an opportunity for them to report any matters which need police attention and further consultations can be made with them on road maps to curb any criminal activities within their communities.”

“I thank all the members of the Crime Prevention committee, church and women leaders, village chiefs and youth leaders for their support in resolving minor cases within their communities,” says PPC Leta.