RSIPF arrest suspect for alleged unlawful incident in Choiseul Province

Police at Taro in the Choiseul Province have arrested a 37-year-old suspect for an alleged unlawful wounding incident at Tuzu Village in South Choiseul on 17 July 2018.

The suspect has been placed in police custody as investigations into the incident continue.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Choiseul Province Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “The alleged unlawful wounding incident occurred at Tuzu Village, South Choiseul and was reported via satellite phone by a member of the community in that area.”

PPC Eria says, “It is alleged the victim was attacked by the suspect with a knife chopping off one of his fingers. It is further alleged the suspect also damaged the victim’s 60 horse power outboard motor (OBM) engine.”

“It is a sad incident and police will not tolerate this kind of behavior and attitude in our communities. I appeal to both parties involved to refrain from taking the law in your own hands but allow police to investigate the matter,” says Superintendent Eria.

He adds: “I encourage members of the communities in around Tuzu Village come forward and assist police with its investigation. You can contact officers at the Taro Police Station on phone 63199 or call the Police National Communication Centre on 23666 or the Police Toll Free line 999.”