RSIPF concerned about increasing traffic offences in Honiara

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is concerned about the increasing number of traffic offences on the roads in Honiara over the past few weeks.

“During the week from 13 to 19 July 2018, the RSIPF Traffic Department in Honiara recorded a total of 77 traffic offences compared to 56 cases during the previous week, an increase of 21 cases. This is a concern for police and should also be a concern for all road users including drivers, vehicle owners and pedestrians,” says Inspector Brian Surimalefo, Acting Director of the Traffic Department.

Inspector Surimalefo explains: “The unfortunate thing is that the increase in traffic incidents is happening even as the RSIPF continues to conduct awareness on our roads as well through the media. It shows that the road users are choosing to ignore all the advice. The result of this is that our roads are not safe for all road users.”

Out of the 77 traffic cases recorded, 20 were driving without a driver’s license, 17 using unlicensed motor vehicles, 15 using uninsured motor vehicles and seven careless driving cases. All the suspects have been charged and bailed to appear in Court at a date to be set.

“We are fortunate that we did not record any fatal accidents during the period of the report but we cannot continue to depend on luck. Let us observe the law to ensure our roads are safe for everyone,” says Acting Director Traffic, Inspector Surimalefo.