24-year-old man sentenced to over 2 years in prison for stealing

A 24-year-old man has been sentenced to two years and nine months in prison after being found guilty in the Honiara Central Magistrates Court on 23 July 2018 for stealing.

The young man was convicted on charges of house breaking and committing felony contrary to Section 300 (a) of the Penal Code for which he was sentenced for two years in prison and a further nine months for a count of simple Larceny contrary to Section 261 (1) of the Penal Code. Both sentences are to run concurrently which means he will serve two years and nine months in prison.

“On 20 July 2018, the complainant left her home for the Central Market in Honiara. Before she left, she securely locked the door of her home before leaving for the market,” says Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City Chief superintendent Alfred Uiga.

PPC Uiga adds: “After she left the accused went to her house and forced the door open and went in and stole $1,600.00 belonging to the complainant’s sister and bought beers for his friends.”

“The victim returned home and found that the door of her home was half opened and it was in a mess,” says PPC Uiga.

He adds: “She then reported the matter to police. Following investigations, the suspect was arrested, interviewed and taken to court on 23 July 2018 and found guilty of the incident and sentenced to prison.”

“I want to remind young people that stealing is an offence that carries serious penalties. Refrain from doing such illegal activities,” says PPC Uiga.