Police investigate alleged rape incident at Sasamunga in Choiseul Province

Police at Taro in Choiseul Province are investigating the alleged rape of a 19-year-old girl in a plantation at Sasamunga Village in South Choiseul on 10 July 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “The alleged rape incident occurred when the victim and another girl were on their way back to their small settlement from the main village.”

PPC Eria adds, “It was alleged that the adult suspect struggled with the victim but another girl who accompanied the victim pulled from the suspect.”

Superintendent Eria says, “During the struggle both girls shouted for help as a result the suspect released the victim and both girls escaped from the suspect,”

“This is a sad incident which should not happen in our communities. Parents and guardians do look after our children and do send someone to accompany them when they move around,” says PPC Eria.

Police at the Taro Police Station are investigating the alleged rape incident and appeal to anyone with any information about the incident to contact the police on phone 63199 or the National Communication Centre on 23666 or the Police Toll Free 999.