Traffic offences in Honiara decrease over a week

Traffic offences recorded in Honiara has decreased to 21 cases during the week of 20 to 26 July 2018.

This is compared to 77 cases during the previous week.

“It’s good to see that traffic incidences decreased from the previous week recording a decrease of 56 cases,” says Director National Traffic Department, Inspector Brian Surimalefo.

“Apart from other offences careless driving seems to be an issue here. For this reporting week we have charged eight offenders for careless driving,” says Inspector Surimalefo.

He adds: “We are starting to experience drivers driving too fast given the good road conditions. I urge vehicle drivers to drive with care and with safety.”
Inspector Surimalefo says, “We will continue to carry out our duties on our roads, and I want to remind the general public to continue to work together with us.”

“Abide by our traffic laws, they are imposed to safe guard us. By doing this we will have safer roads for our communities,” says Inspector Surimalefo.