People in Central Province benefit from Police awareness talk

About 700 people from the Haleta District in East Big Ngella in the Central Province have benefited from an awareness talk conducted by police from Tulagi during the Festival Day at Hagalu Village on 24 July 2018.

The Festival Day was hosted by the Hagalu community to mark their Church Saints Day.

Topics presented by the Training Officer Police Constable Matthew Tola Mumane during the awareness talk included anti – social behaviour, drugs and alcohol related offences and how it affects the communities and the Crime Prevention Strategy with the role of the police in communities.

Speaking during the Program, Retired Fr. Derick Vagi and Rev. Fr. Kura conveyed their appreciation to Provincial Police Commander (PPC) of Central Province for allowing her Officers to provide police presence during the Festival Day. Chairman of Hagalu Village, Elizah Taikole also thanked police for the awareness talks conducted during the Festival Day.

PPC Central Province Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “I wish to thank all the people from Haleta District who attended the Festival Day at Hagalu Village for their outstanding behaviour. I also wish to thank the Organizing Committee for organizing soccer for men and women as part of the celebration.”

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all church leaders, chiefs and Crime Prevention Committee members throughout Central Province for their support for the work of the police regardless of the many challenges we face. Let us work together to make our communities safe and peaceful,” says PPC Leta.