Police investigate wounding incident in Choiseul Province

Police at Taro in Choiseul Province are investigating an alleged wounding incident at Voruvoru Village in Choiseul Province on 29 July 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “The alleged wounding incident happened after a local suspect went to Voruvoru Village and allegedly confronted a Malaysian and punched him. It is alleged the Malaysian reacted and ran back to the logging camp and got his knife and returned to the village to search for the suspect.”

Superintendent Eria says, “The victim received a couple of injuries to his head, on his back side and his right little figure was chopped off.”

He adds: “On seeing what happened, the people at the village rushed behind the suspect to the camp and attacked the Malaysian until he fell to the ground and became unconscious.”

PPC Eria says, “The seriously injured victim has been referred to the National Referral Hospital in Honiara while the Malaysian who is also a victim and suspect at the same time is still under police custody and medical authority at Taro.”

“The original fight came about when the seriously wounded victim asked the Malaysian for money but he refused to grant what the victim asked for,” explains Superintendent Eria.

PPC Eria calls on both parties involved in the incident to refrain from taking the law into their own hands but allow police to investigate the matter.