Men ordered to pay fine of $1000 each for consuming liquor in public

Two men, 21 and 26 years old, have been ordered to pay a fine of $1000.00 each by the Honiara Central Magistrates Court after being found guilty of consuming liquor in a public place at the Honiara Central Market on 28 July 2018.

The two men were ordered to pay the fine by Monday 6 August 2018 or they be sent to jail for 40 days.

“Police officers conducting foot beat patrol around the Central Market area sighted the defendants holding a can of cheers drink as they drank from it,” says Provincial Police Commander Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga.

He adds: “The police officers went over and found that the men were consuming kwaso. The officers apprehended both suspects to the Central Police Station where they were arrested, charged and taken to court and found guilty of the charge.”

“I want to remind the public that public places such as the Honiara Central Market is not a place where you can consume liquor. It is place where public should have access to without fear or intimidation. It is a place where young and old, men, women, children and people with disabilities should move around freely,” says PPC Uiga.

He explains, “It is sad to see that there a number of people have been arrested and charged for consuming liquor in a public place yet this offence continues to increase.”

“I appeal to members of the public to work together with the police and report any one that you see consuming alcohol in a public place. Let us continue to work together for a crime-free Honiara City,” says PPC Uiga.