RSIPF’s Close Personal Protection Unit gets new office

The Close Personal Protection (CPP) Unit of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) National Response Department has a new office space opened at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara today (3 August 2018).

The new CPP Unit office, which also accommodates the Officer in-Charge of the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit (EOD), used to be the office of the RSIPF’s Human Resources Department but has been renovated and equipped under the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP).

“I wish to thank the SIPDP through Commander, John Tanti and his advisors for seeing the importance of the CPP Unit and agreeing to fund the renovations as well as equipping this office space for one of the specialised units of the RSIPF,” says RSIPF Commissioner, Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley explains: “The CPP Unit which provides security for the Governor General and Prime Minister of Solomon Islands as well as visiting dignitaries is one of the specialised units within the RSIPF’s National Response Department. We are always proud of the professionalism of these specialised units within the RSIPF.”

“The CPP is always in the background as their job is to protect the dignitaries but there’s a lot of work that goes on in preparation for their operations that a lot of us don’t get to see. Having such an environment as this new office space will assist them in the preparation of their operations. This could not have come at a better time as the CPP and the rest of the RSIPF prepare for the National General Elections in 2019,” says Commissioner Varley.

He adds: “I urge officers of the CPP Unit to put to good use this office space and the equipment that has been installed here to continue to build on your professionalism as you carry out your duties providing security for our dignitaries.”

Commander of SIPDP, John Tanti says, “We are proud to be able to assist in this project of renovating and equipping this new office space for the CPP Unit. SIPDP has also placed one of its very experienced advisors with the CPP and urge officers here to make use of his experiences.