PRT train Emergency Response Group of CSSI

The Police Response Team (PRT) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is conducting a-two-week Public Order Management (POM) training for the Emergency Response Group (ERG) of the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands (CSSI) starting today 6 August 2018 at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

Officer In-Charge (OIC) PRT, Inspector Kerry Siriheti says, “The training is a joint law enforcement agency program between the PRT and ERG in preparation for the 2019 National General Election (NGE). Not only in preparation for the NGE but should there be any public disorder, we have the strength to handle any situation.”

Inspector Siriheti explains: “During the two weeks of intensive training the officers will have to go through level one and two of the POM training and building entry tactics. The training will be concluded at Hells Point in East Honiara with a demonstration to show what has been learnt during the two weeks.”

Director Human Resources CSSI, Chief Superintendent Chris Bwekulyi says, “I would like to thank police especially the PRT for conducting this combine
training. This will assist us in whatever situation we may encounter and I look forward for a successful completion of the training.”