Police charge three men for alleged rape of teenage girl in Guadalcanal Province

Police at the Tetere have arrested and charged three men for the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl in the GPPOL-3 area of North East Guadalcanal on 30 July 2018.

It is alleged the incident occurred at about 5 am on 29 July 2018, at the GPPOL-3 Labour line.

The three accused are believed to be between18 to 22 years old.

The accused have been remanded in custody by the Honiara Magistrates on 2 August 2018 at the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands Centre at Rove.

Investigation into the matter is continuing.

Acting Provincial Police Commander Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “The alleged rape of the teenager must be condemned in the strongest term. We must protect the vulnerable members of our communities.”

“I appeal to people in the GPPOL-3 area on the Guadalcanal Plains, more especially in the Labour line area to come forward with any information they may have to police and assist with the investigation,” says Acting PPC Manetoga.

Police at Tetere can be contacted on phone 34508 or call the Police Communication Centre on 23666 or the Police toll free 999.