RSIPF mount operation during Yam Festival on Small Malaita

More than 30 officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Malaita Province will be deployed to provide security during the second Yam Festival which be held near the Afio Sub-station on Small Malaita from 11 – 17 August 2018.

“We are expecting several thousand people from Small Malaita, the rest of Malaita as well as from Honiara to attend the week-long Yam Festival as well as the official reopening of the Parasi Airport and the celebrations to mark the Malaita Province Second Appointed Day Anniversary. All these activities will be happening as from this weekend,” says Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Inspector Frederick Pado.

“My officers will maintain a presence at the venue of the Yam Festival at Pulaha Village where the celebrations of the Malaita Province Second Appointed Day Anniversary will also happen early next week. I want to call on the law-abiding people of Small Malaita and the visitors to the Festival to observe our laws and behave in a manner that will show respect for others,” says Inspector Pado.

He adds: “A community policing team from Auki Police Station will also use the occasion of the Festival to conduct awareness talks on the RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy, the Family Protection Act, the illegal brewing of home brew and kwaso and other policing issues.”

He adds: “Let us show the rest of Solomon Islands and of cause the rest of the world that we on Malaita can organize such big events in a peaceful and orderly manner.

The RSIPF Brass Band is also expected to join the Malaita Province Second Appointed Day Anniversary celebrations.