Police in Central Province conduct high visibility patrols to 34 Villages

Police in the Central Province have completed high visibility patrols in 34 villages throughout the Province during the past week.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “Villages visited during the high visibility patrol are on Gela and Russell Islands.”

PPC Leta says, “Police in Tulagi and Yandina are heavily engaged in visiting communities as part of the ongoing Crime Prevention Strategy. They conduct community engagements with village chiefs and awareness on drug and kwaso (home brew) related activities.”

Superintendent Leta says, “The trip was possible with assistance from the Central Provincial Government who provided transport and ration during the patrol. Provincial Government officers also engaged in their revenue collections.”

Ms Leta says, “I wish to thank the Central Provincial Government for the ongoing support rendered to my police officers by making this trip available so that we can support each other.”

“Communities will continue to see my officers in their villages on proactive duties which will strengthen the relationship between them. Communities are urged to report matters of criminal nature to my officers during any future visits. We must work together to fight against crime in our Province,” says PPC Leta.