Police in CP apprehend and charge six male for alleged rape

Police in Tulagi Central Province have arrested six male youth on the night of 12 August 2018 for the alleged rape of a 20-year-old woman.

It is alleged that between 1.00am and 4.00 am on 26 July 2018 the victim from Tambariki Village and her cousin sister went to buy rolls of tobacco when the incident occurred at Salavo Village, Sand-fly area.

It is further alleged the suspects invited the victim to go to them but she refused. The suspects continued on insisting for the victim to go over to them. The victim was convinced when she saw her cousin brother and sister amongst them, so she went to her two relatives and suspects.

It is also alleged when the victim was with the suspects, one of the suspects chased her cousin sister with a piece of timber .It was when her cousin sister escaped, one of the suspects pulled the victim by hand to an unoccupied house close-by and all the suspects allegedly raped her.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “The matter was reported to the Tulagi Police Station on 8 August 2018 and following investigations, the suspects were arrested last night with the assistance of the community. A remand application is being compiled for the suspects and they are expected to appear at the Honiara Central Magistrate Court soon.”

“This type of irresponsible attitude is unacceptable within our communities. Our girls and women should be highly respected and that men and boys should be the ones protecting them,” says PPC Leta.

She explains: “Rape is a very serious crime in our country. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment if found guilty.”

I would like to thank the communities of Salavo and Ravusodulu for assisting my officers which led to the successful arrest of the suspects last night,” says Superintendent Leta.

PPC Leta adds: “I also wish to sincerely thank my hard working officers who were engaged in this operation despite the heavy rain experienced last night.”