RSIPF in Isabel Province actively with policing

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Isabel Province have been kept busy during the past month of July 2018 with policing duties in that province.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Isabel Province, Superintendent Leonard Tahnimana says, “My officers have been very busy during the month of July with various activities in the province as part of the Crime Prevention Strategy roll out.”

The activities in which officers of RSIPF in Isabel attended include:

• Arrest of a 60-year-old male at Bagovu Village in the Maringe District on 2 August 2018, for alleged assault of another person. Accused has been charged and released on bail to appear before a magistrate at a later date;

• Witnessed the enthronement service of Chief Clement Rojumana as the Paramount Chief of Maringe District of Isabel Province;

• Arrest of two male persons at Maglau Village in the Maringe District for causing grievous bodily harm to another male person on 30 July 2018. The two accused have been released on bail to appear before a magistrate at a later date;

• Witnessed the ceremony for the custom handing over of land to Sisters of the Church at Havihua in the Bugotu District of Isabel Province from 27 to 28 July 2018;

• Conducted a high visibility Police operation during the Kodili Festival held in Buala 24 – 29 July 2018;

• Attended the launching and commissioning of the new vessel UTA Princess II at Susubona Village in the Hograno District of Isabel Province on 21 July 2018; and

• Provided security presence from 4 - 7 July 2018 during the “PHOGA” event in the Highlands of Maringe District.

“I would like to thank the people in the various communities in Isabel for assisting my officers during the various activities,” says PPC Tahnimana.

He adds: “I would also like to commend my officers for actively ensuring policing in Isabel is very much alive.”

“Your police is here for you and I appeal to the good people of Isabel Province to assist ensure our communities are safe,” says PPC Tahnimana.