RSIPF investigate death of young girl on Bellona in Renbel Province

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is making arrangements for its officers to travel to Bellona Island in the Rennell and Bellona (Renbel) Province to investigate the death of a young girl on the Island today (17 August 2018).

Supervising Assistant Commissioner of Police, Provincial, Evelyn Thugea says, “Reports reaching police in Honiara say that a suspected mentally ill male person allegedly attacked the young girl at Nukumanu Village in West Bellona. It is reported that she died instantly.”

Supervising AC Thugea adds: “It is alleged, three other male persons and a female have been allegedly attacked by the same suspect and reported to be in serious condition.”

“The suspect has been arrested by two community officers on the Island but reports reaching Honiara say the suspect was very aggressive .Police are planning to send a team of officers to Bellona Island to investigate the incident,” says AC Thugea.

She says, “I appeal to relatives of the deceased and injured persons not to take the law into their own hands but assist our investigators with information once they arrive on the Island.”

The RSIPF extend its condolence to the family and relatives of the deceased for their loss.