Four people wounded in fatal stabbing incident on Bellona air lifted to Honiara

The four people wounded during a fatal stabbing incident on Bellona Island in the Rennell and Bellona Province yesterday (17 August 2018) have been airlifted by Australian Defence Force helicopters this morning (18 August 2018) to the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara.

A young girl died during the incident in West Bellona. The suspect is believed to be a mentally ill man and he is under police custody for further dealings.

Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC), Provincial, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea says, “The airlift of the seriously wounded four people by helicopters was possible following an urgent request from the RSIPF to the Australian Defence Force to assist get the wounded quickly for medical attention at the NRH."

The helicopters used in the emergency airlift are from the HMAS Adelaide which is currently visiting Honiara along with HMAS Toowoomba.

AC Thugea says, “The victims were transported by Fire and Rescue Services and NRH ambulances from the Point Cruz main wharf on arrival. They are undergoing treatment at the Hospital. The victims include three male and a female. Their conditions have been described as stable.”

“I would like to thank the Australian Defence for quick response to assist Royal Solomon Island Police Force to airlift the wounded victims to Honiara for medical attention,” says Ms Thugea.

She says, “I appeal to relatives of the deceased and injured persons not to take the law into their own hands but assist our investigators with information that will help with the investigation."

A team of police investigators from Honiara are now on Bellona to investigate the fatal incident.

AC Thugea adds; “The suspect in relation to this wounding incident is currently under police custody for further dealings.”

The RSIPF extend its condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased at their great loss.