Crime Prevention Strategy training in Central Province

Police in Central Province completed another one day Crime Prevention Strategy training held at the Tulagi Police Station on 18 August 2018 for officers who were not able to attend the same training last month.

The Provincial Police Commander, Central Province Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “The training is very important because officers will be up skilled with knowledge to tackle issues in their daily work as far as policing is concerned. Moreover, officers will know how to resolve any issues using the S.A.R.A (Scanning, Analyze, Response and Assessment) problem solving model. Six officers from Yandina Police teamed up with officers from Tulagi to attend this very important training.”

PPC Leta adds: “The training is part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy roll out to equip officers with the right skills and knowledge.”

“I want to encourage all of the officers to implement what they have learnt during the Training,” says Superintendent Leta.

During the presentations, the Tulagi Police Station Operation Manager, Inspector John Sara covered the background of the Crime Prevention Strategy in relation to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Mission Statement and its aims and objectives with the S.A.R.A problem solving model.

Inspector Sara also covered the five main key components of the Crime Prevention Model which is of paramount importance for officers to know how it operates.

Inspector John Sara says, “The idea behind the Crime Prevention Strategy is to work with the community and give back the ownership of resolving issues happening within our communities to our people.”

Police in Central Province will continue to visit communities to discuss any crime related problems that needs to be resolved using the S.A.R.A model after the Training.