Police investigate death of fisherman in North Malaita

Police in Malaita Province is investigating the death of a 58-year-old man while on a fishing trip at Goulu Village in North Malaita on 17 August 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander, Malaita Province, Superintendent Timothy Apaesi says, “The deceased fisherman went out in the early hours of 17 August on a fishing trip by himself in a small dugout canoe. Towards mid-day of the same day, some other fishermen from the same village were returning home when they saw the deceased’s canoe floating outside of the reef. They brought the canoe back to the village and discovered that the owner of the canoe (the deceased) had gone out in the canoe that morning on a fishing trip.”

“The community then went out to search for the deceased. His body was discovered at about 5pm on the same day near the reefs outside of Goulu Village,” explains PPC Apaesi.

He adds: “The police at Malu’u Police Station have opened a file for investigation into the death.”

“I want to remind our good fishermen throughout the Province to try and go out fishing in pairs or go out in a group to ensure there is someone to assist should they encounter any unexpected difficulties or rough weather,” says PPC Apaesi.

He adds: “On behalf of the police, I wish to extend our condolences and sympathy to the family and relatives of the deceased for the untimely loss of one of their members.”