PSII conducts awareness for RSIPF officers

The Professional Standards and Internal Investigations (PSII) team of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have commenced the rollout of an awareness training from 13 – 14 August 2018 with officers attending a retention program at Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

The PSII program aims to raise the level of knowledge within the RSIPF on matters relating to police discipline, integrity and anti-corruption.

Supervising Director of PSII Inspector Collin Pitakesa says, “The first two day workshop went well and the officers were very involved in the case studies that were discussed in detail. The first group to attend the workshop were 55 probationary constables attending the two week retention course.”

“It is important to know that PSII is not only about enforcement. We would much prefer not to have to investigate police so prevention plays a big part in the overall strategy to reduce wrongdoing by the RSIPF,” says Inspector Pitakesa.

Now this first awareness training has been completed, the training will be delivered to the wider RSIPF. This program remains a priority for the RSIPF.