RSIPF signs MOU with Vanuatu Police Force

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to govern future cooperation between the two police forces.
RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley and VPF Commissioner Albert Nalpini signed the MOU during a ceremony at the VPF Police Headquarters in Port Vila on 22 August 2018 following a bilateral meeting between the two Commissioners.
Under the MOU, both police forces will focus on:
• information sharing in all areas of law enforcement;
• Coordinated operations to address transnational crimes;
• Cooperation and assistance to each other in capacity building and professional development; and
• Strengthening and consolidating existing networks between the forces.

During the MOU ceremony, RSIPF Commissioner Varley said, “This is a very important moment for the relationship between our two police forces. The RSIPF and VPF already have a long history of partnership, particularly through our joint maritime exercises. But there is more that we can do to support each other as close neighbours and friends.”
Commissioner Varley’s visit to the VPF is at the invitation of VPF Commissioner Nalpini. The two commissioners held detailed discussions on security challenges facing both countries and the areas of expertise that the RSIPF can share including investigations, strategic policy, governance of policing programs, leadership training, crime prevention and officer safety.
Mr Varley said, “In today’s environment, cooperation between Pacific police forces is absolutely essential for national and regional security and for safe communities. In the spirit of pacific regionalism, the RSIPF and VPF agree that we can better address transnational crime and security challenges if we strengthen our training and information sharing and look for new ways to conduct joint operations.”
“The achievement of this MOU demonstrates once again that the new RSIPF is continuing to take its place on the regional and international policing stage.” says Commissioner Varley
The MOU signed with the VPF is the latest in a series of agreements signed with RSIPF’s policing partners following the end of RAMSI and is another step in the ongoing growth of the RSIPF and its increasing regional leadership.