RSIPF and SIPSP engage with Honiara Youth Hub on Crime Prevention

The National Community Policing Team of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and Solomon Island Police Support Program (SIPSP) held a workshop with the Honiara Youth Hub on Crime Prevention Strategy at the Multi-purpose Hall 24 August 2018.

National Community Policing Program Coordinator Sergeant (Sgt) John Manegaua says, “The purpose of the workshop was for the RSIPF and youth leaders to come together and learn about crime prevention and problem-solving on using the SARA model.”

Sgt Manegaua says, “SARA means, in any problem solving we need to Scan-by asking what the problem is, Analyse-what contributes to the problem, Response-what can we do to improve the problem and Asses-did the response work.”

Mr Manegaua says, “We had the opportunity with the presence of former Prime Minister of New Zealand Ms Clark who spoke at the occasion and took questions from the audience which was a fantastic bonus. Ms Clark was accompanied by UNDP Country Manager Azusa Kubota, Honiara Lord Mayor Andrew Mua and New Zealand Deputy High Commissioner Tim Breese. As a former NZ Prime Minister and former Head of the United Nations Development Programme, Ms Clark has a wealth of knowledge and experience that she was more than happy to share.”

Sgt Manegaua says, “Ms Clark’s message of active citizenship was well received and timely as it coincided with the intent of the workshop. At the end of the workshop, the young leaders headed back to their communities to spread the message of crime prevention. Ms Clark encouraged young people to get involved in politics, enrol to vote and cast a ballot in the general election next year. Eighty percent of the population in Solomon Islands is under the age of 30 and their voice and influence must be heard.”

“During the same Workshop, Lord Mayor of Honiara City Andrew Mua also touched on the importance of supporting and encouraging youth. He thanked the New Zealand Government’s support in the ongoing development of facilities for Honiara youth, including an extension to the multipurpose stadium. This represents an ongoing commitment to the creation of safe spaces for youth,” added Mr Manegaua.