Police in Central Province complete OST and POM training

Police in Central Province have undergone a weeklong training on Operation Safety and Public Order Management at the provincial capital Tulagi from 20-24 August 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “I am proud to have the training extended to Central Province as it will be first of its kind to be held here. The Training has given my officers the capability and skills to control any public order situations like riots in the future.”

PPC Leta adds: “I thank my officers for committing themselves to the intensive training and I trust that they will put the training to good use whenever we need to use these specialist skills. I hope that we will never need to use the skills but it is better to be prepared should a situation arise.”

Superintendent Leta says, “More than 25 officers attended the training. A demonstration of the skills learnt during the training was held at the Tulagi playing field on 24 August 2018. It was witnessed by representatives of the Central Provincial Government, the Central Provincial Assembly, the Deputy Provincial Secretary, Australian Volunteers, 13 Ward Development Committee Chairpersons, and members of the Central Provincial Crime Prevention Council. Representatives of other stake holders as well as members of the public also witnessed the demonstration.”

She adds, “At the end of the demonstration Deputy Premier, Honorable Selwyn Luga thanked the PPC and the Training Instructor in the National Response Department (NRD) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force, Sergeant Lionel Kapisa. The Deputy Premier was also proud to see police capability that will give confidence to members of the public in the Central Province.”

“I appeal to my officers to apply all you have learnt throughout the week when responding to any major situations. Also maintain the highest spirit of teamwork all the time,” says PPC Leta.

NRD Training Instructor Sergeant Kapisa says, “I wish to acknowledge the Assistant Commissioner of Police National Operations and the Director of the National Response Department for the roll out of the training and I would like to thank PPC Central Province for availing her officers to undergo the Training.”

“Police in Central Province are now capable of handling any public order management situations in the future. The Police Response Team (PRT) is committed to assisting police in the Central Province should any situation arise that warrant the support of the PRT,” says Sergeant Kapisa.