Police arrest suspect following arson incident in 2016

A 32-year-old man who is a suspect in an alleged arson incident which happened in Central Guadalcanal in 2016 has been arrested and remanded in custody on 3 September 2018.

It is alleged the man together with others allegedly burned five dwelling houses including a kitchen house at Wind Ridge and Bubutoha area in Central Guadalcanal on 17 April 2016. The suspect has been on the run until Police in Guadalcanal Province arrested him early this week.

The accused is facing one count of arson codified to Section 319 of the Penal Code to be read with Section 21 of the same Code.

Acting Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “The accused has been on the run since 2016 and the arrest was possible with the support of the community in providing information to police.”

“You can run and hide, but not for ever. One day you will be caught. The message here is, if you have a case with police, surrender to police so that your case is processed for court within a reasonable time. After all you are innocent until proven guilty by the court,” says PPC Manetoga.

“I want to acknowledge the support provided by members of the community and at the same time thank my hard working officers involved in the investigation which led to the successful arrest of the accused,” says Superintendent Manetoga.