Communities on Savo Island benefit from police crime prevention training

Police in Central Province have conducted a two-day training on Crime Prevention on Savo Island from 4 – 5 September 2018.

More than 35 participants from North and South Savo attended the training.

Speaking during the official opening the Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “The training will greatly assist you all to resolve issues affecting your communities using the S.A.R.A Model (Scanning, Analyse, Respond and Assess) to solve problems.”

She explains: “The model is a widely used police problem solving methodology and proven to be effective, especially when dealing with crime.”

“The aim of the training is to show the importance of community participation to prevent crime. A leader or community member must have an open mind before making any decision for the betterment of the community,” says PPC Leta.

The Training is part of the roll of the Crime Prevention Strategy.

Topics presented during the awareness talk include what is law, what are the three sources of laws, anti-social behavior and leading drivers of crime like marijuana, kwaso and family problems.

One of the Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) members, Lot Kemakeza thanked the PPC and her officers for showing great interest to do the awareness on Savo Island.

The CPC member thanked the police for extending the training to their communities which equipped them with the right tools to deal with crime prevention. The member assured the police, the knowledge learned from the training is no doubt a bonus which will help them to implement the Crime Prevention Strategy.

Another CPC Member, John Ngina says, “This is the type of training my community has been waiting for and I am pleased for the effort of police officers to deliver to my community.”

A similar training will be organised for Crime Prevention Committee members on Big and Small Gela in the coming weeks.