RSIPF provide security to ensure peaceful Lauru Cup tournament.

Police officers at Taro, Choiseul Province have mounted a successful operation in the Provincial capital during the Lauru Cup tournament from 3 - 8 September 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “This operation was done to ensure that the tournament went ahead in a peaceful environment so that our people move around freely.”

PPC Eria adds: “During the tournament there were some alcohol related issues that led to the arrest of five people with a number of verbal warnings but no major issues. We also conducted mobile patrols and high visibilities around Taro including community visitations.”

“I want to thank everybody for their contribution in ensuring that the event was a crime free one.”

“I also want to thank the Choiseul Provincial Government, community elders, and church elders and leaders for working together with the Police and to my hard working officers for the job well done. Let us continue to work hard for a safer and crime free Choiseul Province,” says PPC Eria.