Police arrest man for attempted murder in Central Guadalcanal

Police officers in Guadalcanal Province have arrested a man for the alleged attempted murder of his wife on 9 September 2018 in the Tenaru area of Central Guadalcanal.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “On the morning of Sunday 9 September 2018 the couple was arguing over an incident whereby the victim saw the suspect talk to a young girl.”

PPC Manetoga says, “During the argument the suspect locked the victim inside their dwelling house and he took dried coconut husks and placed them underneath their house while the victim was locked inside and he lite the coconut husks. The smoke circulated inside the house affecting the victim’s breathing.”

Superintendent Manetoga says, “The victim called for help but no one responded. She then called her uncle who is a police officer and informed him about her situation.”

PPC Manetoga says, “My officers received the report and we called the Fire and Rescue Services and they quickly responded to the incident.”

He adds: “When the suspect realized his wife contacted police he quickly poured water on top of the fire. But then at the same time police officers arrived at the scene. My officers opened the door, rescued the victim from the house and brought her to the National Referral Hospital for medical attention.”

“The suspect has been arrested and charged for attempted murder under Section 215 of the Penal Code. My investigators are today 12 September working on an application to remand the suspect,” says PPC Manetoga.