Police confiscate 600 litres of kwaso in Central Guadalcanal

Police in Guadalcanal Province led by its Provincial Response Unit (PRU) have confiscated 600 litres of kwaso (homebrew) in the New Zealand Camp area in Central Guadalcanal on 6 September 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Superintendent Nixson Manetoga says, “My officers successfully raided the illegal kwaso distribution outlets and confiscated 600 litres of kwaso and numerous manufacturing items.”

Superintendent Manetoga says, “The successful raid occurred with the assistance from the surrounding communities who provided information to police. This is how we should work together to manage and reduce crime in our communities.”

PPC Manetoga adds: “The suspects in relation to the kwaso incident escaped police but investigations will continue into the matter. I call on my good people in and around the New Zealand Camp area to provide information to police. You can contact the Henderson Police Station on 32600, 32601 or call the police free toll line 999.”