Police witness reconciliation in relation to fatal accident over the weekend

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) on 16 September witnessed a reconciliation ceremony between parties involved in the fatal accident in Honiara on15 September during which a 15-year-old girl died after collision with a vehicle.

The reconciliation was held at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

Supervising Director, Kukum Traffic Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Michael Haomae says, “Both parties and the police were present during the reconciliation and a sum of money was given to the deceased’s side as a sign of them saying sorry for what happened to the young girl.”

SSgt Haomae says, “Although the reconciliation took place police will still continue with the investigation in to the incident and prosecute the case in court. I acknowledge the fact that both parties came together to minimize possible retaliation.”

Chairman of Salio Village Chairman Japhet Hamutagi says, “I on behave of the Chief and people of Salio Village in Maringe, Isabel Province I am deeply sorry for what had happened to our young girl. We are really sorry and thank God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to unite us together to come this far to witness this reconciliation today.”

The adopted father of the deceased accepted what was given by the suspect’s side on behalf of his people and received the money and assured the suspect’s side not to stay in fear.

The suspect was formally arrested for causing death by reckless and dangerous driving under the Traffic Act as well as other traffic related offences.