Maluu Police arrest and charge a 23-year-old male person for alleged stealing.

Maluu Poilce in Malaita Province arrested and charged a 23-year-old male person for alleged stealing a set of Solar panel at Gaomae village in North Malaita on 13 September 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Superintendent Timothy Apaesi says, “Police Maluu attend to the report on 14 September 2018 and on their arrival at the village where the accused lived he was alerted and then he escaped.”

PPC says, “A police awareness talk was conducted and police call on community to work together with the police to reduce crime and solve problems in their communities. In response to the community talk by Inspector Peter Kinita, as a result the accused was surrendered to Maluu Police Station on Saturday 15 September 2018.”

Superintendent Apaesi says, “The accused was charged for Larceny, Malicious Damage and Threatening. He was bailed and will be appear before the Principal Magistrate Court on 8 October 2018 during a Court Circuit at Maluu Station.”

“I would like to thank the chiefs and church leaders of Mana’ara Village for their cooperation in surrendering the accused to the Police. This is the way all communities around Malaita should do. And I would like to thank my officers who work behind the scene with the community with the successful surrender of the suspect,” Mr Apaesi adds.