Archbishop of CoM visits Police in Central Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Tulagi Police Station in Central Province today (17 September 2018) welcomed the Most Reverend Archbishop, George Takeli of the Anglican Church of Melanesia during his visit to the provincial capital.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent Patricia Leta says, “During his visit Archbishop Takeli told the officers that police is one of the most important organizations in the country because of the pastoral role that it plays in the country.”

PPC Leta says, “The Archbishop told the officers that the police also play a role like churches to provide a good environment for stability. All the churches are always supportive of police work through their prayers.”

Superintendent Leta adds: “I was so fortunate and honoured to welcome the Archbishop during his visit. I thanked him for choosing to visit Tulagi Station and addressing my officers.

“I can confirm that churches throughout Central Province have been supporting RSIPF in dealing with issues to restore peace,” says PPC Leta.