Youth in East Honiara attend crime prevention workshop

Officers from the National Community Policing Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have successfully conducted a workshop with 20 youth in the Naha 1 community in East Honiara on 15 September 2018.

This workshop was based on the Crime Prevention Strategy and SARA model.

“This program is a first of its kind to be held in Honiara City and it is very encouraging to see youth and other members of the Naha 1 member taking up the responsibilities and ownership to look after their community,” says Sergeant John Manegaua of the National Community Policing Department.

Sgt Manegaua adds: “By attending this workshop the participants are now equipped with the right tool to assist them deal with any problem that might arise and assist their elders and leaders in looking after their community to ensure they are safe and live in a peaceful environment.”

“This is a very good training for our young people to prepare them with responsibilities and I want to encourage the participants to implement what they have learnt and work together with your Police to make your community a happier place to live in,” says Sgt Manegaua.

The Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) funded by the Government of New Zealand assisted in coordinating the workshop.