SI and NZ under 16 soccer teams visit White River Community High school.

Community Policing officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force(RSIPF) in Honiara today (21 September 2018) successfully staged a visitation program for the Solomon Islands and New Zealand Under 16 soccer teams at the White River Community High School.

During the program Sergeant John Manegaua of the National Community Policing Department conducted awareness talks on dangerous drugs including marijuana and kwaso.

Referring to the two Under 16 teams, Sergeant Manegua says, “These young boys are an example of what you can become if you are involved in sports and stay away from improper behaviour. I therefore urge other young people to stay away from criminal activities and say no to kwaso and marijuana. Engage your selves in sports activities or any other good activities.”

Sergeant Manegaua says, “I want to thank both coaches of both teams for availing themselves at such a short notice for this program. I also want to thank the students and staff of White River Community High School for your time and commitment in making this a successful program

Members of both teams were given an opportunity to introduce themselves to the students and both coaches were given time to encourage the students.

The Solomon Islands under 16 Coach and RSIPF Officer, Stanley Waita said: “I encourage young people that they are an important part of the family, community and the country. I urge you to be involved in any sport to keep you out of trouble.”

The program was coordinated by the National Community Policing Department and the White River Police Station with support from the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP).