Police investigate death incident in Choiseul Province.

Police officers in Taro Choiseul Province are enquiring into the death of a 45-year-old-male after he died at a logging camp in Moli, Choiseul Province on 21 September 2018.

The deceased, a local, was employed as a chainsaw operator at the logging camp.

Provincial Police Commander, Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “It is alleged that the deceased was cutting a tree when a dead branch fell and hit his head. He was taken to Moli Clinic and but was pronounced dead by the medical authorities there.”

He adds: “The matter was reported to police at Taro and officers have been deployed to the place of incident including a doctor from Taro Hospital.”

PPC Choiseul adds: “I would like to thank and acknowledged members of the community in Moli, particularly relatives of the deceased for their cooperation and support towards my officers on the ground to ensure a peaceful outcome was reached.”

“Police are continuing with the investigations into the matter and I want to call on relatives of the deceased not to take the matter into your own hands but to assist and allow police to carry on with the investigations,” says PPC Eria.