School principal arrested for alleged rape of 14-year-old girl in Choiseul Province

Police at Taro in Choiseul Province have arrested a school principal for the alleged rape of a-14-year old girl on 21 September 2018 at Pangobiru in North West Choiseul.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “This incident is a very sad incident because of the fact that the suspect is the uncle of the victim.”

PPC Eria says, “The alleged incident involves a school principal and it has caused fear among parents forcing them not to send their children to the concerned school.”

He adds: “As the situation has disturbed the school, Police arrested the school principal and removed him to allow the school to continue with its normal school activities.”

Superintendent Eria says, “My officers are investigating the incident and I would like to call on both parties to refrain from taking the law in to your own hands and allow police to deal with the matter.”