End violence against women and girls

Nov/26 01:00
White Police Station, Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF Commissioner calls on all men in SI to join campaign to end violence against women and girls

Commissioner Varley closes the float parade at the White River Police Station

Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Matthew Varley calls on all men in Solomon Islands to join the campaign to end violence against women and girls and make a commitment not to tolerate it in our communities.

Speaking at the end of the float parade to mark the beginning of activities in the 16 Days of campaign against violence against women and girls held from Henderson Police Station in East Honiara to the White River Police Station in West Honiara today, Commissioner Varley says, “The issue of violence against women and girls is an issue that we cannot be silent about. It is happening every day in our communities.

“As you look around in our communities today, domestic violence at homes, offices, streets and elsewhere is a big concern for the police. Based on police daily reports of crime, sometimes up to 90 percent is related to domestic violence matters. This is an alarming rate,” says Commissioner Varley.

He adds: “In the four months up to end of October this year, 12 alleged rape incidents were reported to the Police. Last week in three separate incidents, the RSIPF arrested and charged five more males in relation to rape allegations. The victims of these offences were young women and girls.”

“In the recent past police arrested even family members of young girls all allegations of rape.

The lives of our young girls are being destroyed inside their own homes – a place that should be the safest haven for them has become a crime scene. We cannot allow this to continue,” says Commissioner Varley.

He asks: “What is going wrong in our communities?”

“To men in our communities, these women and girls who face sexual abuse are members of your own families or a relative. They look to you for protection and security. Please protect them,” says Commissioner Varley.

He continues: “I want to encourage all good and honourable men across Solomon Islands to come out in great numbers and condemn this violence. Stand up and be counted. Use your leadership and your strong voices to say ‘enough is enough’ and educate your people and followers on the respect and good values of this community.”

Commissioner Varley concludes: “Men must make a positive difference in the lives of women and girls in this country.”